January 11, 2019
Dear friends,
Well, I for one am happy to be leaving 2018 in the dust! It was a strenuous, intense year, though peppered with meaningful experiences, superb volunteers who helped in clay building Centre of Light here, and a wealth of knowledge gleaned through life’s lessons. It was still a heavy year globally somehow and we are hopeful positive changes are on the horizon.

We are witnesses to a world in turmoil. While inept political leaders attempt to create division, ‘trumping’ human kindness with acts of hatred, there is simultaneously a rise in higher consciousness in people who seek the healing of humanity and planet Earth.

Certainly, we live in dualistic times. The beauty of it is that we have choices. With every breath we take, we can choose to honour our brothers and sisters, practice forgiveness rather than hatred, accept differences and champion our freedoms, refusing to fall prey to imposed limitations. We can rise. We can support each other. We can overcome. We can UNITE.

I am encouraged by the pioneers who create alternative, innovative ways to live our lives—from alternative medicine to sustainable agriculture, from more conscious diets to practices of peace. Sacred activism is on the rise.

And we come back to ourselves, we look in the mirror and ask: “What am I doing to contribute to the world? How am I serving humanity?”

If I begin with myself and increase my own inner awareness, and rise above the blockages that keep me from fulfilling my highest potential, I am beginning to walk the talk.

As the lyrics to a famous song go, “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.”

From our family to yours, we wish you a happy, holistic, healthy, hopeful and holy New Year.

With love,

www.oriontransmissions.com  In English, Spanish and a little Polish
www.homatherapypoland.org  Homa Therapy, our Ecovillage and Centre of Light. In English and Polish.

Facebook:   Orion Transmissions Prophecy
                        Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya
                        Centre of Light
                       Agnihotra Polska
                       Agnihotra Global Community
                       Homa Holistics – coming soon!


December 25, 2018 Christmas Message From Orion
Yes, my beloved, on this holy day known in many cultures under varying auspices, we honour LOVE. Let it not be said that one man spoke and all others after Him have not the same thread woven.

Dear ones, we are aware of the follies shrouding Truth in the world, the slaying of those who would be prince.

Dear ones, we are aware that time for this planet, this most vital planet, is short. However, what you do not know is there is a plan B, if you will. There is a Master Plan, quite different than, and at odds with, the current administration being enacted upon the global stage. Their plan shall cease now.

January 5, 2019 On Spiritual Activism
We are aware of the threats in the outer world. One can leverage power from within with far more effectiveness, if one is taking nourishment from the highest Source.

Activism without the spirit component is based on one’s mental prowess and stamina, physical and mental. But if one is receiving nourishment, inspiration and even intuitive direction from the higher source, one can overcome all obstacles in this world.

Go deeper into your spiritual practice.Draw upon ancient wisdom which lies within you like an underground river of JOY. Once you establish access to the inner spring of pure knowledge, absolute TRUTH, you can hone your own gifts to become a greater instrument in Divine Hands.

What follows is the will to forgive, the capacity to understand, the depths of compassion and the ever-expansive love that feeds all who come in contact with you.


Walk in Light.
In strength and wisdom.
We are,

January 6, 2019 On Agnihotra and Rhythms of Nature
Yes, yes. Another energy shift is rising now, and with it, an increase in energy output of creative stimulation.

Dear ones, the AGNIHOTRA fire which you have performed for many years at this ancient site, ‘Bhrugu Aranya,’ is affecting the rhythms of Nature here, providing a push to environmental healing as given through Vedas.

As we told before, energy is received as well as transmitted—that is, to and from the copper pyramid—at precise, calculated timings of sunrise and sunset.

Thus, any practice which is done in this super-charged atmosphere will increase healing effects and give energy to all that you offer to others at this place.

All the years of FIRE performed here, not to mention the participation of human beings living here, have borne fruit. A peace pervades this land, and all that grows here in this microclimate will carry healing energies within the structure of plants, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Blessings abound.
We are Orion