“These are truly the times prophesied in ancient texts. As you walk more and more in Light, the trajectory of the future breathes, making transformation possible, leaving open the possibility of miracles.”
read more“These are truly the times prophesied in ancient texts. As you walk more and more in Light, the trajectory of the future breathes, making transformation possible, leaving open the possibility of miracles.”
read more”Gather amongst yourselves to strengthen your resolve, to reflect the sacredness of the time and the healing hope of humanity.”
read moreWhen one chooses to walk the path of Truth, their silence speaks louder and clearer than any words could speak.
One learns simply by breathing the same rarified air as this human being who walks with Divine.
“The Human spirit…is indeed the proverbial Phoenix Rising.”
read more“Shift past all the rhetoric, the jargon—until silence fills you with an innate sense of peace.
From that very place, live your lives in love, grace, kindness and faith. Everything else is illusion.”
The lines of Truth lie within you and will never divide you from your brother, from your sister, from others in the great sea of humanity.
The Truth will unite. In fact, that will be one way to recognize it as such—UNITY.
On Current Climate of Chaos, Complication, and Children Yes, yes, yes. Never before has life on this revolving, evolving planet been so wrought with chaos and complication. Never before has there been such widespread panic and hysteria, absolute confusion,...
read moreYes, yes. Focus. Focus within. Can you imagine a world in which each of you realize your potential? Each of you stand up to be counted as aware, vibrant beings which you are? Each of you come from a center within you so strong that no winds of change or outside force...
read moreOrion on Climate Change, Human Mind & Our Future
read more”You are all carriers of Light, dear ones. Focus on that! And take care of your step, as you move forward carrying the torch of Truth, tempered with the absolute healing manifestation of love.”
read more“When the consciousness of humanity rises, Grace manifests!
Fear has no place in the loving heart.
Feed the faith and starve the fear.”
These are times of great darkness and times of great illuminating Light.
Keep your focus on the Light.”
“It is on the soul level where greatest change is being called for.
It is on this soul level, individually and globally, that true recovery can take place.
It is not a recovery of the old, but a recovery of the future waiting in the wings. This is it.”
“If we steer the ship of change in the direction of a new Unity, tempered with Love, and in the direction of Truth, the change so desperately called for can be lasting.
A cycle can come to an end and a new beginning can dawn.”
The energetic broadcast of millions in prayer, in healing practices, in chanting, in creating music from their souls, in loving, in acts of kindness great and small, will finally reach the tipping point and herald the New Dawn.
read morePrayer for Our World What a different world we live in now, one of isolation, one punctuated by fear of what most definitely is the unknown, one of insulation as we must remain in our homes or at least in our towns, unable to move outward throughout the world. We...
read moreMarch 10, 2020 Yes, yes. Be aware of the trickery that is being foisted upon this planet. There are negative energetic forces at play here. Be aware. Do not give into the mass hysteria surrounding the current virus. While it is now a health risk, no doubt, do not arm...
read moreFind your true anchor within and hold steady to that.
Let the seas rise and fall. Let the tides change.
Your hold will be strong and will steer your vessel in the best direction,
the direction of your soul.
October 17, 2019 Dear friends, This world we live in is fraught with unprecedented trials, challenges and dangers. What seems a preponderance of maliciousness, meanness and malevolence in many in positions of power prancing upon on the world stage, makes it feel like...
read more‘Those of you for whom the alarm bells toll—do not lose heart.
Continue to march for equal rights for all human beings on this planet.
Continue to walk in peace upon this planet Earth.
Continue to rise up. To stand up,
To face the ugliness of racism, the injustice of abuse, the deleterious misuse of power of those in power.
Stand up for the healing of the great Mother, Earth.”
”Forming unified chains of human beings to preserve freedom and fight for human justice—this is not political. This is humane. Worldwide, let your voices be heard! Now is the time for beings of Light to UNITE. Every life and every voice still matters.
These are the times when the very fibre of humanity is tested.
Stand firm as ONE.
“Shifting one’s focus to healing within creates an environment which is far more conducive to healing the planet.
If you truly want to heal outside, you must begin within.”
”Go deeper into your spiritual practice. Draw upon ancient wisdom which lies within you like an underground river of JOY.”
read moreDecember 22, 2018 Dear friends, In these pivotal times, when one’s very foothold in this world is being challenged, we are called to return to the inner core of our being to summon up the courage, strength, faith and focus to regain our balance. We gather around us...
read more”Lay down the sword and refrain from violence of any kind.
Link arms-in-arms, rather than take up arms.
Rise up and take your rightful places in the march of resistance to evil.
And move as one toward the path of good.
There is strength in numbers.
There is power in Love.”
“The healing energies, which are emitted by Agnihotra performed at precise timings of sunrise and sunset, heal the Earth from the ground up. Do you realize what a great visionary tool you have in your hands for the future of humankind?”
read more“Unify in the face of all that stands to block you. Strengthen each other in these times of extreme darkness in the world.”
read more“Yes, It is high time to hone the gifts given you all, and use them to create a world that welcomes and nourishes all human life.”
read moreDecember 25, 2017 12:01 a.m. Christmas morning, Orion Yes, yes. Indeed, this is a celebration of great proportions, held around the world. Though greatly commercialized, the spirit of humanity is championed on this one day. If only, human beings could realize the true...
read moreYour spirit calls you to fulfill your Higher Purpose. There is a great push toward embracing your potential and realizing your true purpose in life.
read more“Yes, yes. Indeed, this is one of the ancient sites of Fire which was said to cleanse the Earth, enrich the soil, and carry nutrients through all the elements—earth, air, fire, water, ether.”
read more“Refuse to be divided.
Remember your WORTH.
Seek UNITY through diversity.
And let your voices call out loud.
Let there be Peace on Earth.
And let it begin with YOU. ”
Walk on this Earth with absolute integrity, with honesty, commitment and clarity. Your adherence to Truth and to Service toward the greater humanity will shine forth and create a beacon of Light for others to follow, in these teeming times when humanity is being called upon to triumph over darkness and move forward into Light.
read moreYes, yes. As the world enters the year 2015 it will be a year of great floods of awareness, like a mass awakening of sorts.
In regards to the ‘mass awakening,’ this has been long in the developing stage. Actually, many who have parked themselves rather sturdily on the proverbial fence will now be forced by their own natures to take a leap of faith into the realm of consciousness. Indeed, and there will be many. Some famous faces will join the global consciousness movement which will be growing by leaps and bounds in the year 2015.
read more“This Agnihotra fire is touching the core of the Earth where healing is received and generated into atmosphere. Effects are perceivable and not perceivable. Effects can be measured by scientific experimentation, but further effects both on atmosphere and on the...
read moreDecember 25, 2016 Dear friends, This transmission was received early Christmas morning, while sitting in meditation following our yearly 12-midnight healing circle. It felt like a special communication for all of us and I decided to send it out on its own. May your...
read moreDecember 10, 2016 Dear friends, These are truly the times that try humans’ souls. Shocking politics around the world, human injustices and the outlandish destruction of Nature weigh heavy on all of our minds and hearts. But somehow, as I have witnessed in Light...
read moreSeptember 20, 2016 Dear friends, In the sea of madness, political and environmental chaos, I am reminded always of the true direction I need to take in my own life. Perhaps it will be of help to others. I know that, despite the many distractions which careen all...
read moreJuly 23, 2016 Dear friends, This Orion message is short, but timely. In the world we call ‘home,’ there is great strife, shocking injustices and crimes against humanity. Of course, these always have existed, but there is now a greater push to control us all by...
read moreJuly 3, 2016 Dear friends, Orion highlights the necessity of remaining positive amidst the negativity of the world. A wonderful tool for bringing Light into the darkness is Agnihotra. I am deeply grateful for this sunrise/sunset healing fire, which transformed my life...
read moreMarch 31, 2016 Dear friends, We live in a world seemingly consumed by darkness. Every day we can read about shocking injustices to humankind, explosives ripping through airports, environmental disasters, senseless violence and wars. People get used to living in fear,...
read moreJanuary 31, 2016 Dear friends, In the midst of our chaotic world, embroiled in a state of collective ‘maya’, with great suffering of the masses and environmental fragility, Orion gets to the heart of the matter. Their words fill me with a sense of inspiration and the...
read moreSeptember 25, 2015 Dear friends, As many of you have read and watched on the news, Europe is in the midst of a refugee crisis, as thousands rush the borders of EU countries in desperate need of a homeland without violence. Orion addresses the need of the hour. This...
read moreDecember 18, 2015 Dear friends, Here we are in Poland with what portends to be a green Christmas! It may be the only winter I can remember without a snow-laden landscape by late December. Our world has changed in every way, from weather to the collective state of...
read moreAugust 13, 2015 Dear friends, It has been a long time between sending out Orion Transmissions, so this is a longer collection. We have had a very busy summer here at our Ecovillage in Poland. Not only have we experienced record-breaking heat waves, but numerous...
read moreMay 17, 2015 Dear friends, So much has transpired lately on our planet—from tremendous earthquakes with massive loss of lives in Nepal to long-dormant volcanoes erupting in Chile, and shocking injustice and unrest in the cities in U.S. and around the globe. I find my...
read moreMarch 9, 2015 Dear friends, We are coming to a close of another relatively mild winter here in Europe. Spring will be welcomed with open arms. There is something magical about the sun, plants sprouting and flowers blooming that give hope for today and hopefully for...
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